Thursday, June 11, 2009

crazy zigzag

It's been a while since I made a zigzag pattern (a post for that matter). This octagon grid interlaced with a zigzag of triangles and heptagons leaves very small holes or gaps. You can see the alternation of the colours and polygons by following a loop around one of the holes. Notice that there are two types of holes: one that goes up into the right and another that goes up and to the left. These are mirror images of each other.

The slight skew produced by the heptagon-triangle spacers makes the pattern shift slightly up. Perhaps I should rotate the image a little so that pattern can be used as wallpaper....

Hmmmm probably I should make PolygonR&D have a save as background options. So many ideas so little time.

I originally made this pattern with TileLand but later switched to PolygonR&D. I've included the program below.
zig {
sides 3
paint black
sides 7
paint olive
sides 8
2 right
ifon none {
paint gray
create zag
4 right
create zag
} { }

zag {
sides 3
paint olive
sides 7
paint black
sides 8
2 right
ifon none {
paint green
create zig
4 right
create zig
} { }
I'll have to make my next pattern with brighter colours. Perhaps I'll return to some winding and unwinding patterns...

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