I'm calling this one X Bug since it is a checker board of X's and Bugs. The pattern was developed by unraveling a loop of six heptagons. Six sets of a square and two triangles were interlaced with the heptagons to create the outline for the bug. The bugs were connected by overlapping the two triangles at the corners. After the checker board of bugs were in place the holes that were left were decorated with a few squares and triangles to make the holes look like X's. This pattern is similar in construction to
this pattern and many others. Perhaps the asymmetry (or rotation symmetry) makes it seem more like
this pattern.
It's patterns like this one that make me wonder if I need to create another interface for PolygonR&D that incorporates TileLands interface of easily making polygon paths....

Here's close up of one bug. It's the hole on the inside that I consider the bug.